Symptoms of Teeth Grinding on Your Smile

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Have you or someone noticed you grinding your teeth at night or even during the day? Whether it’s anxiety, an abnormal or crooked bite, stress in your daily life, sleep disorder, or even be a habit, you may be experiencing teeth grinding, also commonly known as bruxism. Some of the following symptoms of bruxism include:

– Grinding at night
– Contractions of your jaw muscles
– Pain that lasts in your face or jaw
– Dull headaches
– Loose/painful/fractured teeth
– Jaw or face swelling

When children grind their teeth, related problems such as irritation in the mouth, misaligned teeth, or even allergies can be the cause of their grinding. Speak to your dentist about which treatment options are best for you or your child’s grinding. Teeth grinding or bruxism treatments include:

– Practicing relaxation for the jaw by warming it with a wet washcloth before bed. This can help loosen the jaw and cheeks before you fall asleep.

– Pinpoint the things in your life that may be causing you stress. Try to eliminate them by reducing your stress levels with exercise, counseling sessions, and group therapy.

– Consult with your dentist how you can fix the alignment of your smile to stop grinding your teeth. This is done by correcting your bite.

– A fitted mouth guard may be recommended by your dentist to wear at night or even during the day.

Call Vernon Woods Dental and Implant Center at 404-381-1734 to get a consultation or make an appointment with Dr. Kathleen Tantuco and our experts here in Sandy Springs, Georgia. Our team want to help you get the best treatment for you and your smile!